Grants (all)

An increasing number of researchers are sharing their grant proposals openly. They do this to open up research so that all stages of the process can benefit from better interaction and communication and to provide examples for early career researchers writing grants. This is a list of 288 of these proposals to help you find them.

Year Funder Title Funded
2019 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Unite initiatives and expand the scope of current open source for open science by Invest in Open Infrastructure Yes
2023 Mellon Foundation Catalyzing investment in and adoption of open infrastructure for research by Invest in Open Infrastructure Yes
2016 Institute of Museum and Library Services (US) Cobweb: A Collaborative Collection Development Platform for Web Archiving by Stephen Abrams Yes
2016 Shuttleworth Foundation Shuttleworth Fellowship Application by Donat Agosti No
2013 Egypt Excellence Scholarships Physics of Laser in Contemporary Visual Arts: the research protocol by Diaa Ahmed Mohamed Ahmedien Yes
2014 Multiple Making sense of cancer data: Implications for personalized therapy and cancer biology by B. Arman Aksoy ?
2016 National Institutes of Health (US) Metabolomics Evaluation of the Etiology of Pneumonia by Lilliam Ambroggio Yes
2023 NSF Rules of Life governing range shift dynamics of birds and mammals by Joseph Alex Baecher ?
2021 NSF CAREER: What’s next? Developing novel quantitative tools to address conflicting evidence in temporal ecology by Christie Bahlai Yes
2017 Shuttleworth Foundation Shuttleworth Fellowship Application by Mad Price Ball Yes
2021 NSF Evolution and Genomics of Ant Caste by Megan Barkdull Yes
2020 Wellcome Trust FAIR for Research Software projects by Michelle Barker Yes
2021 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation FAIR for Research Software (FAIR4RS) by Michelle Barker Yes
2024 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Software Alliance: Catalyzing community-led collaborations by Michelle Barker, Daniel S. Katz, Kim Hartley Yes
2022 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Vive la différence – research software engineers by Michelle Barker and Kimberley Hartley Yes
2021 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation The Research Software Funders Forum by Michelle Barker and Daniel S. Katz Yes
2022 Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Research Software Alliance proposal by Michelle Barker and Daniel S. Katz Yes
2022 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Software Funders Forum by Michelle Barker, Kimberley Hartley, and Daniel S. Katz Yes
2016 National Health and Medical Research Foundation Meta-research: Using research to increase the value of health and medical research by Adrian G. Barnett Yes
2011 ERC Dynamics of Altruism, Religion and Education by Rene Bekkers No
2019 NWO Global Giving by Rene Bekkers No
2007 BBSRC Population Genomics of Retrotransposons in Drosophila by Casey Bergman No
2008 BBSRC pubmed2ensembl: a resource for linking biological literature to genome sequences by Casey Bergman Yes
2008 NERC Testing the impact of host demography on transposable element dynamics in Drosophila by Casey Bergman Yes
2008 EMBO EMBO Young Investigator Programme by Casey Bergman No
2012 NSERC Can ocean 'cold spots' enhance resilience to climate change? by Joey Bernhardt Yes
2021 National Science Foundation Effect of community interactions in the scaling of microbial processes by Brittni L. Bertolet Yes
2013 NSF Impacts of Novel Stormwater Management on Groundwater Recharge by Aditi S Bhaskar Yes
2016 NSF NSF Graduate Research Fellowship by Kevin Bird Yes
2023 NASA Environmental Justice through Open Source Cloud Native Tools: A Racial Legacy Still Visible from Space by Carl Boettiger Yes
2016 NIH Regulation of Lipid Storage by mTORC1 by David Bridges Yes
2016 NIH Tissue Specific Inhibition of Diet-Induced Thermogenesis by David Bridges Yes
2016 National Institutes of Health (US) High-throughput, multiplexed characterization and modeling of antibody:antigen binding, with application to HSV by Benjamin Delbert Brooks Yes
2007 NIH Cartwheel: Tools for Regulatory Genomics by C. Titus Brown No
2009 USDA Web tools for next-gen sequence analysis by C. Titus Brown Yes
2010 NIH A short course in analyzing next-generation sequencing data by C. Titus Brown Yes
2011 NSF CAREER: Scaling and Improving de Bruijn graph assembly by C. Titus Brown No
2012 Moore Foundation Marine metagenomics by C. Titus Brown Yes
2012 NSF Materials and Workshops for Cyberinfrastructure Education in Biology by C. Titus Brown Yes
2012 NSF CAREER: Assembling Extremely Large Metagenomes by C. Titus Brown No
2012 NSF Low-memory Streaming Prefilters for Biological Sequencing Data by C. Titus Brown Yes
2012 NIH A short course in analyzing next-generation sequencing data by C. Titus Brown Yes
2014 Moore Foundation Moore Investigator in Data Driven Discovery by C. Titus Brown Yes
2010 NSF The role of diet, physiology, and behavior in thermoregulation and population growth of the invasive monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus) by Kevin R. Burgio Yes
2018 US Geological Survey (USGS) Scale mismatches in ecological research and management: consequences and solutions through data management by Jessica L. Burnett No
2019 US Geological Survey (USGS) Using Integrated Population Modelling in Decision-support Tools to Connect Science and Decision Makers by Jessica L. Burnett Yes
2020 NIH / NIAAA Probing Inflammation and Reward Sensitivity in Alcohol Use Disorder by Elizabeth Burnette Yes
2010 National Institutes of Health (US) The role of wcjE disruption in pneumococcal serotype 11A humoral escape by Juan Calix Yes
2014 European Research Commission (ERC-StG-2014) Strategic Predictions for Quantum Field Theories by John Joseph M. Carrasco Yes
2017 Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (FONDECYT) Applying machine learning and image feature extraction techniques to the problem of cerebral aneurysm rupture by Steren Chabert ?
2009 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Ecological and evolutionary impacts of pollinator sharing between cultivated and wild sunflowers by Scott Chamberlain No
2009 American Philosophical Society Do Cultivated Sunflowers Homogenize the Pollinator Communities of, and Selection on, Wild Sunflowers? by Scott Chamberlain No
2010 Prairie Biotic Research, Inc. Pollinator communities of crop and wild sunflowers by Scott Chamberlain Yes
WWF Kathryn Fuller Doctoral Fellowship Proposal by Scott Chamberlain No
American Society of Naturalists How do crop-mediated changes in mutualist and antagonist communities affect selection on floral and defense traits? by Scott Chamberlain No
USGS Ariel Appleton Research Fellowship Proposal - Ecological Networks by Scott Chamberlain No
Ecological Society of America Mechanisms for the Structure of Sonoran Desert Ant-Plant Mutualistic Communities by Scott Chamberlain No
NSF Mechanisms for the Structure of Sonoran Desert Ant-Plant Mutualistic Communities by Scott Chamberlain No
2014 NSF The impact of sources of inspiration on the genesis of innovative ideas by Joel Chan Yes
2016 Tzu Chi University College of Medicine, Taiwan Clinical roles of soluble ST2 for the outcomes of cardiac valve operations by Robert Jeenchen Chen ?
2016 Tzuchi University College of Medicine Bi-directional immuno-modulation by Matrix Metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7) and A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase-17 (ADAM-17) as transplantation rejection-tolerance spectrum by Robert Jeenchen Chen ?
2011 NSF Do species-environment feedbacks lead to multiple trajectories of ecosystem change? by Adam Clark Yes
2014 National Institutes of Health (US) Antibiotics for Recalcitrant Infection by Kenneth Coleman Yes
2015 European Commission FRAXIFAM: Reconstructing gene family evolution in the ash genus (Fraxinus) by Endymion Cooper Yes
2011 NSF Automated and community synthesis of the tree of life by Karen Cranston Yes
2018 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation To support continued development of Manubot, a git-native authoring tool for scientific manuscripts by Daniel S. Himmelstein Yes
2020 Road map to develop glioma drug by Undurti N Das No
2021 NSF Using metacommunity theory to assess the impact of multi- species interactions on gut microbial assembly by Mauna Dasari Yes
2016 Studying the effect of Ruthenium on High Temperature Mechanical Properties of Nickel Based Superalloys and Determining the Universal Behavior of Ruthenium at Atomic Scale with respect to alloying elements, Stress and Temperature by Sriswaroop Dasari No
2009 NSF Functional Genomics of Maize Centromeres by Kelly Dawe, Jeff Ross-Ibarra, James Birchler, Jiming Jiang, Wayne Parrott, Gernot Presting Yes
2010 National Institutes of Health (US) The semen enhancer of HIV infection as a novel microbicide target by Stephen Dewhurst Yes
2016 NSF Ectotherm takeover of an endotherm food web: consequences for ecosystem function Introduction and intellectual merit by Renata M. Diaz Yes
2017 NSF CAREER: Rapid evolution of an invasive plant: the role of microbial interactions by Katrina M. Dlugosch Yes
2021 Purdue University, Susan Bulkeley Butler Center for Leadership Excellence Preferred Names: Advancing Inclusivity in Purdue University's Digital Platforms by Dada Docot No
2016 National Institutes of Health (US) Development of a Novel Inhibitor of Ricin: A Potential Therapeutic Lead against Deadly Shiga and Related Toxins by Artem Domashevskiy Yes
2016 Australian Research Council (ARC) Can video improve grant review quality and lead to more reliable ranking? by Michael Doran No
2010 National Institutes of Health (US) Mechanisms of enteric Burkholderia psuedomallei infection by Steven W. Dow Yes
2013 NSF NSF Graduate Research Fellowship by Danielle H. Drabeck No
2020 Wellcome Trust Seeing the forest and the trees: understanding the contribution of both axonal and glial activity-dependent plasticity in neural circuit by Adna S. Dumitrescu No
2018 NSF Elucidating local archaic ancestry using machine learning by Arun Durvasula Yes
2017 Mapping Open Access Societal Impact by ElHassan ElSabry No
2013 NSF Reversing long-term experiments to understand regime shifts by Morgan Ernest Yes
2014 NSF Incorporating time into the study of anthropogenic land use and disease by Michelle V. Evans No
2015 NSF Vector dynamics and disease transmission across an urban gradient by Michelle V. Evans Yes
2013 NSF A Bayesian Network Approach for Assessing Factors in Complex Disease Etiology by Jean Fan Yes
2015 NIH Computational Analysis of Subclonal Evolution in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia by Jean Fan Yes
2015 National Institutes of Health (US) Inflammatory cascades disrupt Treg function through epigenetic mechanisms by William Faubion Yes
2014 NSF CAREER: Citizens, Conservation, and Climate: Research and Education for Climate Literacy in Managed Landscapes by Alejandro N. Flores Yes
2013 National Institutes of Health (US) Novel indication for myeloid progenitor use: Induction of tolerance by Timothy C. Fong Yes
2014 Arkansas Audubon Society Migratory Stopover Timing, Survival and Habitat Use of Fall Migrating Sora in Managed Wetlands in Missouri by Auriel M.V. Fournier Yes
2015 NSF Timing is everything: Identifying peak Rallidae call rate in southeast Australia by Auriel M.V. Fournier No
2016 NSF Controlling the taxonomic variable: Taxonomic concept resolution for a southeastern United States herbarium portal by Nico Franz ?
2019 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Applying radiogenic isotope geochemistry to enhance geologic framework models by Ryan E. Frazer Yes
2013 National Institutes of Health (US) Broadly protective (universal) virus-like particle (VLP) based influenza vaccine by Jose M. Galarza Yes
2017 National Institutes of Health (US) Hair Extensions: Using Hair Levels to Interpret Adherence, Effectiveness and Pharmacokinetics with Real-World Oral PrEP, the Vaginal Ring, and Injectables by Monica Gandhi Yes
2014 National Institutes of Health (US) Rapid Test for Recent HIV Infection by Patricia Garrett Yes
2014 Endangered Language Documentation Project Documenting and describing Kagate, an endangered Tibeto-Burman language of Nepal by Lauren Gawne Yes
2021 NASA Butterfly: a satellite mission to reveal the oceans' impact on our weather and climate by Chelle L. Gentemann ?
2017 National Institutes of Health (US) Assessing the roles of biofilm structure and mechanics in pathogenic, persistent infections by Vernita Gordon Yes
2016 Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation Software quality information needs by Daniel Graziotin Yes
2017 Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Genome-wide hypothesis generation for single-cell expression via latent spaces of deep neural networks by Casey S. Greene ?
2018 Leverhulme Memory enrichment by social context: A virtual reality EEG research project by Samantha Gregory Yes
2019 NSF Collaborative Research: Submesoscale-Resolving Large Eddy Simulations Using Reduced Biogeochemical Models by Peter E. Hamlington, Nicole S. Lovenduski, Kyle E. Niemeyer Yes
2021 Enabling Xarray extensions with new labeled array-like data structures by Joe Hamman, Anderson Banihirwe, Aureliana Barghini, Alessandro Amici, Stephan Hoyer, Deepak Cherian No
2016 Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Widening the circle of care: An arts-based, participatory dialogue with stakeholders on cancer care for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples in Ontario, Canada by Chad Hammond Yes
2008 NSF Evolution under simulated climate change in response to trophic shifts by Ted Harte Yes
2008 National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis Evolution under simulated climate change in response to trophic shifts by Ted Harte and Scott Chamberlain No
2015 Dutch Fulbright Center Problematic trial detection in by Chris HJ Hartgerink ?
2016 National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services (US) The value of statistical tools to detect data fabrication by Chris HJ Hartgerink ?
2012 Wenner-Gren Foundation A novel experimentally-based investigation of Plio-Pleistocene fossil hominin footprints by Kevin G. Hatala Yes
2012 NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement: Fossil footprints and the dynamics of footprint formation: Implications for the evolution of human gait by Kevin G. Hatala Yes
2012 Leakey Foundation Fossil hominin footprints and the dynamics of footprint formation by Kevin G. Hatala Yes
2014 NSF Computer Science meets Anthropology: a novel approach for reconstructing locomotion from fossil human footprints by Kevin G. Hatala Yes
2022 National Science Foundation Investigating fire-biotic disturbance interactions and their sensitivity to climate in the North American boreal biome by Katherine Hayes Yes
2014 National Institutes of Health (US) Antigen Detection assay for the Diagnosis of Melioidosis by Raymond Houghton Yes
2018 Society of Systematic Biologists The progression of aridity in Africa and its effects on plant evolution by Cody Coyotee Howard Yes
2016 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Improving the visibility of scholarly software work by James Howison Yes
2021 The Research Council of Norway Deciphering bioluminescent communication in marine annelids by Ragnhild Irene Jacobsen No
2022 The Research Council of Norway Funding application (RCN, 2022): Deciphering bioluminescent communication in marine annelids by Ragnhild Irene Jacobsen No
2002 NSF The Prediction and Interpretation of Protein pKa’s Using QM/MM by Jan Jensen Yes
2006 EU Modeling pH-Dependence in Drug Design by Jan Jensen Yes
2006 Danish National Science Foundation Computational Prediction and Validation of Protein Structure and Function in Protein Engineering and Rational Drug Design by Jan Jensen Yes
2006 NSF Prediction and Interpretation of Protein pKa’s Using QM/MM by Jan Jensen Yes
2008 Danish National Science Foundation Computational Design of Stable Enzymes by Jan Jensen Yes
2010 Danish Center for Supercomputing Protein Design Using Quantum Mechanics by Jan Jensen Yes
2015 Danish National Science Foundation High Througput pKa Prediction Using Semi Empirical Methods by Jan Jensen Yes
2015 National Institutes of Health (US) Intersection of polyomavirus infection and host cellular responses by Mengxi Jiang Yes
2016 NSF Microbiome and stress: examining host-microbe responses in ascidians following acute low salinity exposure by Lisa K. Johnson No
2016 NSF The effects of loss of function mutations over adaptive trajectories in S. cerevisiae (NSF GRFP) by Milo Johnson Yes
2021 NovoNordiskFonden A framework for an open and scalable infrastructure for health data exemplified by the DD2 initiative by Luke W. Johnston, Alisa Devedzic Kjærgaard, Annelli Sandbæk Yes
2016 DFG Benefits and costs of aphid phenological bet-hedging strategies by Jens Joschinski ?
2016 Dresden Leibniz Graduate School Analysis of socio-natural hazards generated through rapid unplanned urbanisation in Himalayan towns: A case of Almora, India by Neelakshi Joshi Yes
2014 National Institutes of Health (US) Modeling atomic structure of the EmrE multidrug pump to design inhibitor peptides by Martin Karplus Yes
2015 European Union Advancing marine conservation in European and contiguous seas with the MarCons Action by Stelios Katsanevakis Yes
2020 NSF NSF DDRIG: Taxonomic Efficacy of the Macaque Skeleton by Brittany Kenyon-Flatt Yes
2020 NSF NSF PRFB: Revisiting Homo Taxonomy by Brittany Kenyon-Flatt Yes
2016 NIH NIDA Top-down regulation of compulsive reward-seeking behavior by medial prefrontal cortex by Christina Kim Yes
2019 BWF Simultaneous molecular activity recording and transcriptomics of brainwide neural ensembles by Christina Kim Yes
2016 NWO Has frugivory influenced the macroecology and diversification of a tropical keystone plant family? by W. Daniel Kissling Yes
2017 Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC) eEcoLiDAR, eScience infrastructure for ecological applications of LiDAR point clouds: reconstructing the 3D ecosystem structure for animals at regional to continental scales by W. Daniel Kissling Yes
2013 National Institutes of Health (US) Concurrence Topology: Finding High-Order Dependence in Neuropsychiatric Data by Arno Klein No
2016 National Institutes of Health (US) Visual Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale: A Universal Iconic Questionnaire for Epidemiological Studies in India by Arno Klein No
2016 National Institutes of Health (US) Crowdsourcing voice editing and quality assessment of data collected from the largest mobile phone-based research study of Parkinson disease by Arno Klein No
2016 National Institutes of Health (US) Brain Graph Interface by Arno Klein No
2016 National Institutes of Health (US) A game for crowdsourcing the segmentation of BigBrain data by Arno Klein No
2016 National Institutes of Health (US) Graph-based clinical diagnosis and prediction using multi-modal neuroimaging data by Arno Klein No
2016 NSF Data-Visual Relationships to Subject Performance and Eye Movements by Arno Klein No
2020 FWF Exploring τ sector: nature of lepton flavour and new sources of CP violation by Ilya Komarov No
2017 NWO Exotic forms of matter by Patrick Koppenburg No
2010 NSF Towards a comprehensive, community-owned and sustainable repository of reusable phylogenetic knowledge by Hilmar Lapp, William Piel, Michael Donoghue, Mark Westneat, Matt Bietz, Karen Cranston, David Maddison No
2016 European Union DNAqua-Net: Developing new genetic tools for bioassessment and monitoring of aquatic ecosystems in Europe by Florian Leese Yes
2015 National Institutes of Health (US) Enhance AAV Liver Transduction with Capsid Immune Evasion by Chengwen Li Yes
2010 NSF Activity-dependent regulation of the RNA-induced silencing complex in mammalian neurons by Emi Ling Yes
2010 DoD Regulation of mitochondrial transport in axons of mammalian neurons by Emi Ling Yes
2016 National Institutes of Health (US) Experimental Gonococcal Vaccine by Yingru Liu Yes
2013 National Institutes of Health (US) Point-of-Care HIV Antigen/Antibody Diagnostic Device by Michael J. Lochhead Yes
2016 National Institutes of Health (US) Antibody Mediated Mechanisms of Immune Modulation in Tuberculosis by Lenette Lu Yes
2013 NSF GRFP Application by Daniel J. Lurie Yes
2010 National Institutes of Health (US) Human immune system layering and the neonatal response to vaccines by Joseph M. McCune Yes
2015 European Commission Enabling Open Science: Wikidata for Research (Wiki4R) by Daniel Mietchen No
2020 NIH The dynamics and impact of R-loops in epigenetic stability and aging by Henry E Miller Yes
2013 European Community (Framework 7) Is there a limit to biotic diversification? Insights from stochastic models of speciation and extinction by Olivier Missa Yes
2018 Czech Science Foundation Uncovering Regulatory Interactions in Cells with Bayesian Statistics by Martin Modrák No
1999 NSF Dissertation research: The market and the moral economy of Fulani pastoralists in northern Cameroon by Mark Moritz Yes
2008 NSF CAREER: Pastoral Management of Open Access: The Emergence of a Complex Adaptive System by Mark Moritz Yes
2009 NSF EEID: Livestock Movements and Disease Epidemiology in the Chad Basin: Modeling Risks for Animals and Humans by Rebecca Garabed (PI), Song Liang, Mark Moritz, and Ningshuan Xiao Yes
2012 NSF CNH: Exploring social, ecological, and hydrological regime shifts in the Logone Floodplain, Cameroon by Mark Moritz, Michael Durand, Ian Hamilton, Bryan Mark, Ningchuan Xiao Yes
2015 NSF RAPID: Studying the Effects of Disturbance in a Complex Socioecological System by Mark Moritz Yes
2016 National Institutes of Health (US) Peptide Autoinducers of Staphylococcal Pathogenicity by Tom Muir Yes
2013 DFG Language Science Press: A Publication Model for Open-Access Books in Linguistics by Stefan Müller and Martin Haspelmath Yes
2016 The Wellcome Trust ContentMine/ Proposal by Peter Murray-Rust No
2010 National Institutes of Health (US) Ribosome profiling of Trypanosoma brucei by Peter John Myler Yes
2017 European Union TimeAdapt: Tracking Genetic Adaptation of Populations Using Time-Series Genomic Data by Miguel Navascués Yes
2015 Academy of Finland (Suomen Akatemia) Unicorn–Open science for assessing environmental state, human health and regional economy by Pekka Neittaanmäki No
2022 NSF Effects of rapid evolution on alternative community states at multiple spatial scales by Lucas A. Nell Yes
2015 IDRC Exploring the opportunities and challenges of implementing open research strategies within development institutions by Cameron Neylon and Leslie Chan Yes
2016 NSF A latent variable modeling approach to multi-taxa prediction by Kari Norman Yes
2016 DOE A latent variable modeling approach to multi-taxa prediction by Kari Norman Yes
2023 European Commission The translation of the scientific knowledge needs of stakeholders into relevant and usable health research portfolios by David Fajardo Ortiz No
2011 NERC Dark taxa: Preparing for a post-taxonomic future by Rod Page ?
2011 National Institutes of Health (US) Lymphoid signals for stromal growth and organization in the thymus. by Howard T. Petrie Yes
2014 University of California Natural Reserve System Mathias Graduate Student Research Grant by William K. Petry Yes
2011 Sloan Foundation Total-impact by Heather Piwowar and Jason Priem Yes
2013 National Science Foundation (NSF) Investigating the value of automatically-gathered software impact data by Heather Piwowar and Jason Priem Yes
2013 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation ImpactStory Grant Proposal by Heather Piwowar and Jason Priem Yes
2016 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Improving the visibility of scholarly software work by James Howison, Heather Piwowar, and Jason Priem Yes
2016 Arnold Foundation Motivating openness with the Impact Report Card by Heather Piwowar and Jason Priem No
2016 Arnold Foundation Tear down this wall: building the Open Research Profile by Heather Piwowar and Jason Priem No
2017 Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Moving beyond mandates: Finding new ways of increasing open access by Juan Pablo Alperin, Heather Piwowar, and Jason Priem No
2017 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) The oaBoost dashboard: Motivating OA from a researcher-centric perspective by Heather Piwowar and Jason Priem No
2018 Wellcome Trust Open, complete, disambiguated database of authorship metadata in biomedicine by Heather Piwowar and Jason Priem No
2018 Arcadia, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin Impactstory search engine for laypeople by Jason Priem and Heather Piwowar Yes
2020 Arcadia, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin Suite of interconnected OurResearch tools by Jason Priem and Heather Piwowar Yes
2017 American Heart Association Elucidating the role of Plasmodium N-terminal acetyltransferases in export of effectors into the host erythrocyte by Alexander J. Polino Yes
2017 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Elucidating the role of Plasmodium N-terminal acetyltransferases in export of effectors into the host erythrocyte by Alexander J. Polino No
2021 Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute for Neuroscience ERGo! – a citizen science initiative aimed at allowing scientific novices to make electroretinograms, thereby identifying new insect species for subsequent comparative studies of visual physiology and ecology. by Daniel Pollak Yes
2016 National Institutes of Health (US) Rapid, automated, detection of viral and bacterial pathogens causing meningitis by Mark Poritz Yes
2013 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation ImpactStory grant proposal by Jason Priem and Heather Piwowar Yes
2012 National Institutes of Health International Clinics on Infectious Disease Dynamics and Data by Juliet R.C. Pulliam Yes
2016 National Institutes of Health (US) Elucidating the evolution of Coxiella to uncover critical metabolic pathways by Rahul Raghava Yes
2013 National Institutes of Health (US) Forward genetics-based discovery of Histoplasma virulence genes by Chad A. Rappleye Yes
2017 National Institutes of Health (US) The HIV Care Continuum and Health Policy: Changes through Context and Geography by Peter Rebeiro Yes
2007 CIHR Regulation of CRP-S promoters in H. influenzae and E. coli by Rosie Redfield Yes
2012 Cystic Fibrosis Canada The Haemophilus DNA Magnet by Rosie Redfield ?
2012 NSERC Bacterial DNA uptake and the evolution of sex by Rosie Redfield ?
2012 CIHR Predicting gene transfer in respiratory bacteria by Rosie Redfield ?
2022 National Science Foundation DISES: Valuing and managing anthropized ecosystems: Primary and secondary services provided by stormwater ponds in urban landscapes. by Alexander J. Reisinger, Hayk Khachatryan, H. Dail Laughinghouse IV, P. Monaghan, and O. Savchencko. Yes
Single molecule dynamics of human transcription regulation by Andrey Revyakin Yes
2021 NSF NSF PRFB: Investigating evolutionary mechanisms that facilitate local adaptation via inversions in the Atlantic silverside by Jessica A. Rick Yes
2016 The Wellcome Trust Open Neuroimaging Laboratory by Amy Robinson and Roberto Toro Yes
2009 USDA Scanning for yield: high-throughput discovery of candidate agronomic loci for marker-assisted selection in maize by Jeff Ross-Ibarra Yes
2015 NSF The genetics of highland adaptation in maize by Jeff Ross-Ibarra Yes
2019 Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento Redes de interacciones ecológicas, la influencia del cambio global y la degradación del hábitat by Leonardo A. Saravia Yes
2007 NWO Development and application of Massive Barcode-based Biodiversity Assessment (MBBA); a novel method for rapid estimation of species diversity by Menno Schilthuizen No
2009 NWO PhD Fellowship by Menno Schilthuizen Yes
2010 NWO Determinants of species diversity at 14 spatial scales in tropical microsnails from endangered limestone habitats by Menno Schilthuizen Yes
2011 NWO Evo-devo of chirality in insect genitalia by Menno Schilthuizen No
2014 NWO Sexual selection and the evolution of coiling direction in snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda) by Menno Schilthuizen No
2017 Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf Data Intensive Science by Nicolas Schmelling No
2015 NSERC Pheromonal communication in widow spiders (genus Latrodectus): investigating the function and identity of silk-bound pheromones and potential management applications by Catherine Scott Yes
2010 NSF Forecasting regime shifts in ecosystems by David Seekell Yes
2011 NSF Conceptual and Methodological Advancements for Global-Scale Limnological Research by David Seekell Yes
2015 European Union The Open Biodiversity Knowledge Management System in Scholarly Publishing by Viktor Senderov Yes
2010 NSF The Biological Constraints of Learning in Fathead Minnows (Pimphales promelas) by Delia Shelton Yes
2016 NSF Developing groups and their response to anthropogenic change by Delia Shelton Yes
2019 The Leverhulme Trust ​Leverhulme Study Abroad Studentship by Laura Silva Yes
2021 SSHRC Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship by Laura Silva Yes
2022 Swiss National Foundation Postdoc.Mobility Fellowship by Laura Silva Yes
2022 British Academy British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship by Laura Silva Yes
2016 The Wellcome Trust Roadmap: A Research Data Management Advisory Platform by Stephanie Simms No
2019 NSERC Modifying Memory: The Neural Mechanisms of Adaptive Memory Updating by Alyssa H. Sinclair Yes
2011 National Institutes of Health (US) Characterization of Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity in HIV Infection by Adjoa R. Smalls-Mantey Yes
2016 The Wellcome Trust SCINDR - The SCience INtroDuction Robot that will Connect Open Scientists by Chase Smith No
2016 National Institutes of Health (US) Lead Compound Discovery from Engineered Analogs of Occidiofungin by James Smith Yes
2014 European Union Unifying European Biodiversity Informatics (BioUnify) by Vince Smith No
2011 National Institutes of Health (US) Alteration of host protein stability by Legionella by Michael N. Starnbach Yes
2016 National Institutes of Health (US) Neural Systems for Infant Sensitivity to Phonological Rhythmic-Temporal Patterning by Adam Stone Yes
2014 NIH Gene Wiki: Expanding the ecosystem of community intelligence resources by Andrew Su Yes
2017 NIH Gene Wiki: A community-maintained knowledge base of biomedical information by Andrew Su Yes
2014 NSF Dynamic macroecology: Globally assessing body size diversity response to environmental change by Sarah Supp Yes
2015 Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Heteroatom quantum corrals and nanoplasmonics in graphene (HeQuCoG) by Toma Susi Yes
2012 LTER Data Management and Computational Skills Training for LTER Scientists by Tracy Teal, Ethan White, and Greg Wilson No
2023 NASA Ciencia Abierta Accesible: Teaching TOPS OpenCore in Spanish by MetaDocencia Team; OLS Team Yes
2023 NASA Open Science Accesible: Teaching TOPS OpenCore in English by OLS Team; MetaDocencia Team Yes
2016 NSF How do nomadic species and their pathogens respond to changing resource distributions? by Claire S. Teitelbaum Yes
2020 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Invest in Open Infrastructure Summer Business Fellows, A Collaboration with Harvard Business School by Kaitlin Thaney Yes
2021 Mellon Foundation Exploring Hidden Costs of Open Infrastructure by Kaitlin Thaney Yes
2023 Arcadia, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin Invest in Open Infrastructure operational capacity by Kaitlin Thaney ?
2018 NASA Sub-Mesoscale Ocean Dynamics (S-MODE) NASA EVS-3 Proposal by J. Thomas Farrar, Ernesto Rodriguez, Eric D’Asaro, Andrey Shcherbina, Paul Matthias, Dudley Chelton, Michelle Gierach, Craig Lee, Luc Lenain, Amala Mahadevan, James C. McWilliams, Ken Melville, Dimitris Menemenlis, Jeroen Molemaker, Pantazis Mouroulis, Melissa Omand, Larry O'Neill, Dragana Perkovic-Martin, Luc Rainville, Roger Samelson, David Thompson, Andrew Thompson Yes
2019 Moore Foundation Sustaining and Growing the Astropy Project by Erik Tollerud, Tom Aldcroft, Kelle Cruz, Thomas Robitaille Yes
2020 NASA Sustaining the Astropy Project by Erik Tollerud, Tom Aldcroft, Lia Corrales, Matthew Craig, Kelle Cruz, Adam Ginsburg, Hans Guenther, Pey Lian Lim, Adrian Price-Whelan, John Swinbank Yes
2012 New Széchenyi Plan (ÚSZT) [Hungarian] Tools of Persuasion in Visual Advertisements at Maltese Sites of Cultural Tourism: A Social Science Analysis by János Tóth Yes
2015 The Hungarian Diaspora Council (Nemzeti Regiszter) Historical analysis of strategies for assimilation and identity maintenance in dispersed groups of overseas Hungarians and their relevance regarding national policy planning by János Tóth No
2016 National Institutes of Health (US) Defining clinical and sterile immunity to Plasmodium falciparum infection using systems biology approaches by Tuan Manh Tran Yes
2011 NASA Fuelwood, Savannas, and Climate Change: Integrating Modeling, Field Experimentation, and Optical and Radar Remote Sensing by Andrew Tredennick Yes
2014 NSF Diversity-stability relationships and coexistence: new theory and empirical tests by Andrew Tredennick Yes
2016 European Union PESFOR-W: Improving the design and environmental effectiveness of woodlands for water Payments for Ecosystem Services by Gregory Valatin Yes
2017 Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) Tracking Invasive Alien Species (TrIAS): Building a data-driven framework to inform policy by Sonia Vanderhoeven Yes
Exposición de resultados de aprendizaje: metodologías y estrategia para promocionar el perfil profesional y la continuidad en la carrera by Santiago Vasco-Morales ?
Factores perinatales asociados a macrosomía fetal, en un hospital de Quito-Ecuador by Santiago Vasco-Morales ?
Macroevolutionary dynamics of marine algae by Heroen Verbruggen Yes
2012 University of Melbourne Genomic tools to study coral reef resilience by Heroen Verbruggen Yes
2012 ARC Evolutionary dynamics of the algae: Understanding adaptive potential under environmental change by Heroen Verbruggen No
2013 Australian Biological Resources Study Molecular systematics of the siphonous green algae by Heroen Verbruggen Yes
2015 Australian Research Council Genome dynamics following plastid endosymbiosis by Heroen Verbruggen Yes
2015 University of Melbourne and FAPESP Marine genomics: Genome biology and evolution of key primary producers by Heroen Verbruggen Yes
ARC Probing key innovations with next generation sequencing by Heroen Verbruggen No
2008 NSF A Digital Repository for Preservation and Sharing of Data Underlying Published Works in Evolutionary Biology by Todd Vision Yes
2012 NSF Sustainable and Scalable Infrastructure for the Publication of Data by Todd Vision Yes
2016 National Institutes of Health (US) Developing a small peptide to control autoimmune inflammation in type 1 diabetes by David H. Wagner Yes
2015 DFG Continuous and Focused Developer Feedback on Software Quality (CoFoDeF) by Stefan Wagner ?
2013 ERC IMMUNENESIS by Detlef Weigel Yes
2005 NSF Broad-scale patterns of the distribution of body sizes of individuals in ecological communities by Ethan P. White Yes
2008 NSF Understanding multimodality in animal size distributions by Ethan P. White Yes
2010 NSF CAREER: Advancing Macroecology Using Informatics and Entropy Maximization by Ethan P. White Yes
2014 Moore Foundation Moore Investigator in Data Driven Discovery by Ethan P. White Yes
2021 National Institutes of Health Gene-by-environment interactions that affect exposure-mediated congenital heart disease by Andrew Whitehead Yes
2016 The Wellcome Trust Paperity Central: An Open Catalog of All Scholarly Literature by Marcin Wojnarski No
2013 NSF Use of morphological data for estimation of phylogenetic trees by April M. Wright Yes
2016 NSF Fossilized Birth-Death Dating in Formicidae by April M. Wright Yes
2020 National Science Foundation CAREER: Quantitative assessment of models for phylogenetic data by April M. Wright Yes
2008 NSF Coevolution and co-divergence in a classical obligate mutualism between Joshua tree (*Yucca brevifolia*) and its pollinators (*Tegeticula* spp.) by Jeremy B. Yoder Yes
2021 Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Growing a Diverse and Inclusive Workflow Ecosystem with CWL - Chan Zuckerberg Initiative by Sarah Wait Zaranek Yes
2013 NSF CAREER: Supervised Learning for Uncertain and Incomplete Data by Alina Zare Yes
2018 NSERC Can noun labels facilitate success on relational match-to-sample with same and different kinds? by Rebecca Zhu Yes
2018 NSF NSF Graduate Research Fellowship by Sam Zorowitz Yes