Grants by Program

ARC - (N/A)

Academy of Finland (Suomen Akatemia) - Strategic Funds

Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation - postdoctoral fellowships

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation -

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation - (N/A)

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation - Open Research Fund

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation - Technology

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation - Technology program

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation - Technology program - Better Software for Science

American Heart Association - Predoctoral Fellowship

American Philosophical Society - Lewis and Clark Fund

American Society of Naturalists - (N/A)

Arcadia, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin - (N/A)

Arkansas Audubon Society - Student Research Awards

Arnold Foundation - (N/A)

Australian Biological Resources Study - Research Grant

Australian Research Council (ARC) - Discovery Project Grant

Australian Research Council - Discovery Grant

Austrian Science Fund (FWF) - (N/A)

BBSRC - Responsive Mode Application

BBSRC - Tools and Resources Development Fund Application


Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) - Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks (BRAIN)

British Academy - (N/A)

CIHR - (N/A)

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) - annual competition for postdoctoral fellowships

Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) - (N/A)

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative -

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative - Collaborative Computational Tools for the Human Cell Atlas

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative - EOSS

Cystic Fibrosis Canada - (N/A)

Czech Science Foundation - (N/A)

DFG - (N/A)

DFG - PostDoc proposal

DFG - Wis­senschaftliche Mono­gra­phien und mono­graphis­che Se­rien im Open Ac­cess

DOE - Computational Science Graduate Fellowship

Danish Center for Supercomputing - (N/A)

Danish National Science Foundation - (N/A)

Danish National Science Foundation - Chemical Physics

Danish National Science Foundation - FNU

DoD - National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship Program

Dresden Leibniz Graduate School - (N/A)

Dutch Fulbright Center - Fulbright Scholarships

EMBO - Young Investigator Programme

ERC - ADG Advanced Grant

ERC - Starting Grant

EU - Marie Curie

Eastern Bird Banding Assocation - Student Research Grant

Ecological Society of America - Forest Shreve Research Award

Egypt Excellence Scholarships - PhD Project proposal

Endangered Language Documentation Project - Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship

European Commission - MSCA postdoctoral fellowship 2023

European Commission - Horizon 2020 e-Infrastructures for virtual research environments (VRE)

European Commission - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship

European Community (Framework 7) - Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship

European Research Commission (ERC-StG-2014) - (N/A)

European Union - Framework Programme Horizon 2020, COST Actions

European Union - Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant BIG4 PhD Project proposal

European Union - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship


Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (FONDECYT) - Postdoctoral Grant

Garden Club of America - The Frances M. Peacock Scholarship for Native Bird Habitat

Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf - eLearning Support Fund

IDRC - (N/A)

Institute of Museum and Library Services (US) - (N/A)

LTER - Training Working Groups Proposal

Leakey Foundation - (N/A)

Leverhulme - Early Career Fellowship

Mellon Foundation - (N/A)


Moore Foundation - Data Driven Discovery Investigators

Moore Foundation - Marine Microbiology Initiative

Multiple - (N/A)

NASA - (N/A)

NASA - Earth Venture Mission - 3 NNH21ZDA002O

NASA - Predoctoral Graduate Fellowship

NASA - ROSES E.7 (Support for Open Source Tools, Frameworks, and Libraries)


NERC - (N/A)

NERC - New Investigator Award

NIH - (N/A)

NIH - F31

NIH - National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

NIH - National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases MNORC small grant

NIH - R01

NIH - R25





NSERC - Canada Graduate Scholarships – Master’s (CGS M)

NSERC - Postgraduate Scholarship - Doctoral

NSERC - Postgraduate Scholarships-Doctoral program

NSF - (N/A)



NSF - Advances in Biological Informatics (ABI)



NSF - Cultural Anthropology

NSF - Cyberinfrastructure



NSF - Dissertation Improvement Grant (DDIG)

NSF - Division of Ocean Sciences

NSF - Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant

NSF - Dynamics of Coupled Human and Natural Systems


NSF - EAR Postdoctoral Fellowship

NSF - Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases (EEID)


NSF - Graduate Research Fellowship Program


NSF - Nordic Research Opportunity


NSF - Plant Genome

NSF - Plant Genome Research

NSF - Population & Community Ecology

NSF - Postdoctoral Fellowship in Biology

NSF - Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology (Area: Rules of Life)

NSF - Research Starter Grant

NSF - SBE Office of Multidisciplinary Activities (SMA)

NWO - Open Programme for Earth and Life Sciences

NWO - PhD Fellowship

NWO - Postdoctoral Fellowship


NWO - Vernieuwingsimpuls: Innovational Research Incentives Scheme - vici

National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis - Working Group

National Health and Medical Research Foundation - Senior Research Fellowship

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases - F31

National Institutes of Health (US) - Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Advancing Biomedical Science Using Crowdsourcing and Interactive Digital Media (UH2)

National Institutes of Health (US) - Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Advancing Biomedical Science Using Crowdsourcing and Interactive Digital Media (UH2) (RFA-CA-15-006)

National Institutes of Health (US) - F31

National Institutes of Health (US) - K01

National Institutes of Health (US) - K08

National Institutes of Health (US) - PAR-09-219: Exploratory Innovations in Biomedical Computational Science and Technology (R21)

National Institutes of Health (US) - PAR-14-331 Global Brain and Nervous System Disorders Research Across the Lifespan (R21)

National Institutes of Health (US) - R01

National Institutes of Health (US) - R03

National Institutes of Health (US) - R15

National Institutes of Health (US) - R21

National Institutes of Health (US) - R21 (PA-10-069)

National Institutes of Health (US) - R21/R33

National Institutes of Health (US) - R41, R42, R43, R44

National Institutes of Health (US) - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship

National Institutes of Health (US) - unsolicited R21

National Institutes of Health - NIGMS

National Institutes of Health - National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences

National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services (US) - IR-ORI-16-001 by the Office of Research Integrity

National Science Foundation (NSF) - ACI-CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE, EAGER

National Science Foundation - CAREER

National Science Foundation - DISES

National Science Foundation - Office of Polar Programs

National Science Foundation - Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology

Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC) - Accelerating Scientific Discovery (ASDI)

New Széchenyi Plan (ÚSZT) [Hungarian] - National Excellence Program

NovoNordiskFonden - Data Science Research Infrastructure Grant

Prairie Biotic Research, Inc. - (N/A)

Purdue University, Susan Bulkeley Butler Center for Leadership Excellence - Research Project Grant

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) - (N/A)


Shuttleworth Foundation - Shuttleworth Foundation Fellowship Program

Society of Systematic Biologists - Graduate Student Research Award

Swiss National Foundation - (N/A)

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board - Norman Hackerman Advanced Research Program

The Hungarian Diaspora Council (Nemzeti Regiszter) - Mikes Kelemen Program

The Leverhulme Trust - (N/A)

The Research Council of Norway - Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal

The Research Council of Norway - Researcher Project for Young Talents

The Wellcome Trust - The Open Science Prize

Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute for Neuroscience - Chen Graduate Innovator Grant Awards

Tzu Chi University College of Medicine, Taiwan - Cardiovascular Research

Tzuchi University College of Medicine - PhD Project proposal

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) - Mendenhall Research Fellowship Program

US Geological Survey (USGS) - Mendenhall Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

US Geological Survey (USGS) - Powell Center Synthesis Working Groups

USDA - (N/A)


USGS - (N/A)

Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento - (N/A)

University of California Natural Reserve System - Mildred E. Mathias Graduate Student Research Grant Program

University of Melbourne - (N/A)

University of Melbourne and FAPESP - FAPESP/UOM SPRINT grant

WWF - Kathryn Fuller Doctoral Fellowship

Wellcome Trust - Discretionary

Wellcome Trust - Open Research Fund

Wellcome Trust - Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship

Wenner-Gren Foundation - Dissertation Fieldwork Grant